Sunday, November 23, 2008

The 10 Top Things Milly has said lately...

1. "Daddy in Korea."
2. "That's not nice."
3. "I wanna lay down."
4. "How Rude."
5. "I love you sweetie."
6. "This my mommy."
7. " Where'd Abby go?"
8. "I wanna snack."
9. "I needa go potty." (No, she is not potty trained yet... at all, but this is a start!)
10. "I wanna a pickle."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

An Update on the Bantas

I haven't been blogging very much lately, so I figured it was time for an update.

Tyler has been in Korea for 3 and 1/2 weeks; we're getting close to 1 month down! He is doing as good as he can be on a very small over sea base with mostly single guys who don't know what it's like to leave a wife and a child behind, and who mostly all drink heavily because of the free Beer over there. But there is a small branch on base with about 10 other guys who mostly have families. Tyler and I talk about every day through Skype and web cam. The 15 hour time difference makes it a little challenging at times to coordinate times to talk to each other, though.

Milly is doing great and loves to talk to her Daddy, especially on web-cam. I'm so blessed to have her. She keeps me busy, laughing, and smiling. Her latest thing is horses; she loves playing with my little brother's toy horses and my little sister's doll house dolls. She has to bath with them, play with them, and sleep with them at times. She is so funny. She also loves bubble gum. I give my piano students bubble gum, so she begs for a piece when she can, and usually she just swallows it, but lately, she will chew it for about 10-15 minutes, and then I'll ask her if she's done, and she will say "Yes," and spit it out in my hand to throw away. So Smart! Milly was Pebbles from The Flintstones cartoon for Halloween and I was Betty. Milly was so cute, and she loved the idea of holding open her bag and saying "Trick or Treat" for candy.

Well, I stay busy taking care of Milly, teaching 10 students piano lessons, and sleeping a lot lately, about 2 naps a day to be exact. I was going to wait longer to tell, but what the heck...I'm pregnant, and due about June 11th (according to the Internet)! We're excited, except now I am remembering how tired I was with Milly, and queasy I get when I need food. So, making my bed, cleaning up after Milly daily, and putting on makeup everyday have not been priorities for me lately. But I will get through this and we are excited. I am wondering how you mothers do it with your pregnancies after your first child! Any advice or Empathy would be greatly appreciated.