I'm not very good at blogging, but when I do post a blog, it is always long overdue and I feel like a just accomplished something huge, so I am about to accomplish something huge.
Where do I begin? Summer was great, but then I topped it off by getting reconstructive surgery on my ankle and was off my feet for 4 weeks and in a walking boot for 3 weeks. Amidst all of this, Milly started preschool, and Taysen gets smarter and busier everyday. I recovered pretty quickly for the nature of the surgery, and now life is back to normal and we are enjoying beautiful Fall in Cheyenne, and looking forward to Christmas. I have so much to be grateful for in my life. I am amazed at the grace and mercy from my Heavenly Father as each experience in this life only makes me better and stronger. I am grateful for a wonderful Husband who works hard, is kind and loving, righteous, and patient. I am grateful for two beautiful children that make me smile each day and bring me so much joy. I am grateful for a beautiful home, health and strength, and the abundance of knowledge and blessings I am given.